Morris Lukowich Photo courtesy of Katie Turner @
The Canadian Dollar (Loonie) bottomed out at around $.62 in, it is at $1.0372.
1994: 676,000
2010: 750,000
Average household income:
1994: $43,000 (Canadian average $49,000)
2010: $72,000 (Canadian average $70,500)
Unemployment rate:
1994: 10.4% (Canadian average 9.5%)
2010: 4.9% (Canadian average 8.1%) (best in Canada)
Total employment:
1994: 318,000
2010: 425,000
Average house value:
1994: $84,000 (Canadian average $158,000)
2009: $227,000 (Canadian average $340,000)
Total value of building permits issued:
1994: $300-million
2009: $1.1-billion
Housing starts:
1994: 972
2010: 3,200
Retail sales:
1994: $4.3-billion
2010: $9.8-billion
GDP per capita:
1994: $21,100 (Canada $26,700)
2009: $37,500 (Canada $39,000)
Personal disposable income per capita:
1994: $17,700
2010: $29,900
+170% increase
NHL average ticket Prices:
1994: $34
2010: $49
+140% increase
Corporate head offices, companies of all sizes:
Edmonton: 157
Winnipeg: 129
Ottawa: 101
Corporate head offices, total employment:
Winnipeg: 6,890
Ottawa: 4,667
Edmonton: 3,428
Canada's 800 largest corporations:
Winnipeg: 32 plus three 3 subsidiaries = 35
Edmonton: 25 plus one subsidiary = 26
Quebec City: 16 plus two subsidiaries = 18
Ottawa: 15 plus one subsidiary = 16
Courtesy of
(Thanks to
Oh yeah...and Lukowich has changed a bit too...looking good with a little more salt than pepper!
Winnipeg has great potential with David Thomson and TNSE waiting patiently for the NHL to bite.
...and of course, there is the
MTS Centre: